
The program will consist of Mentorship for 6 months under Reet Roy and guest mentors from all over the world that will help you guide you in the direction in where you see yourself in the dance world 


We will be training you in all major street styles with national and International guest mentors . Not only will the dancing aspect be covered but we will also be covering the marketing and branding side of an artist and give you all the tools you need to apply in the real world.


Anywhere, Anytime
as long as you have internet


This program is for 6 months starting May 15th with amazing mentors

Kinnie Nguien

Reet Roy

Percy Dwumfour

Mr. Youtube

Raoul Wilke

CJ Destacamento

AJ Velazco

Adrian Vendiola

What people say!

Thank to all of our students around the globe!

submit for
dance mentorship